Debate Competition
On August 6th 2015 Rato Bangala School – Debate Club held a competition on the topic
- This House would Mine Uranium in Nepal
in association with Neuro Foundation Nepal.
- Chief Guest- Prof. Dr. Jibraj Pokharel; Vice chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
- Guest of Honor- Dr Krishna Prasad Adhikary; Chairman of Nepal Health Research Council
Program Itinerary:
- 13:30 => Everyone Is Seated
- 13:35- 14:15 => Debate With 3 Minutes rest time
- 14:15-14:30 => Adjudicators leave to deliberate
- 14:15-14:20 => Prof. Dr. Jibaraj Pokharel (Vice Chancellor- NAST)
- 14:20-14:25 => Dr. Krishna Prasad Adhikary (Chairman- NHRC)
- 14:25-14:30 => Dr. Basant Pant (Chairman- Neuro Foundation Nepal)
- 14:30-14:35 => Adjudicator Verdict/ Award Presenatation